Audi Coil Pack


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I had an issue with a broken coil on an Audi A4 about 1.5 years ago. Car had to be towed in to garage. Problem was recognised to be a known Audi fault and replacement of the coil was done for free as they had extended the warranty for this part to 5 years due to it being a known issue. Towing costs were my own.

Last week I had the same issue and car had to be towed again. This time the car is out of the 5 year warranty and therefore I had to pay the cost to fix the issue.

Has anyone else come across this issue. Surely if there is a known fault then Audi should be offering to fix this issue on an on-going basis for free?
Audi is part of the VAG group the same as my Scoda. I have had two coil packs fail in 18 months which is a known problem, so I had the other two replaced. The new coil packs are a later revision and look slightly different. As there are four the failure of 1 pack allowed me to drive home and to the dealer on three cylinders, (doing this for a long period can damage the CAT with unburnt fuel) I cannot understand why you required a tow. I have a 2nd hand car, which was done under warranty for 3 packs, 1 pack caught me out in when i was away from home and cost me €130. they insisted on doing a diagnostic which is not necessary.
Last time the coil went the car literally started shaking when I put my foot on the accelerator going up a hill and within 5 seconds just stopped. It couldn't even be coaxed to start again.

It was a gradual deterioration over about 5 minutes - the first sign I got that there was something wrong was when I put my foot on the accelerator and the car started to shake/jump a bit. I got into a car park very quickly to access the situation and found that within 5 minutes the car would barely move at all.

Therefore I needed to be towed again.
I dropped my 2005 A4 into an independent garage this morning and the mechanic told me he would be replacing the coil pack. He's charging me €100 + VAT to fix that and an airbag problem. Is there somewhere I can see online where Audi will agree to extend the warranty if there is a known issue? I would have got Audi to fix it if I knew it was something they are covering under an extened warranty. I don't suppose I can claim it back off Audi?!
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It cost me 178 euros at an MSL garage. So I'm not sure how much you're out of pocket if he's doing both the coil pack and airbag issue. Might not be worth the hassle.

Interestingly, my brother in law replaced a coil pack in his Merc recently and he did it himself but it still cost him 160 to buy the part. I don't feel so ripped off now.
... Interestingly, my brother in law replaced a coil pack in his Merc recently and he did it himself but it still cost him 160 to buy the part. I don't feel so ripped off now.

[broken link removed]. It seems straightforward enough but I'm not sure if I'd be brave enough to give it a go! I wouldn't really be sure where, under the bonnet, to start tbh. I priced a coil-pack for my A4 from [broken link removed] and they quoted me 33 euro.