Audi A3 2004 72500 Miles


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Im new here, just want your opinion on this please. I went to view an Audi A3 there today. The car is in mint condition, i took it for a test drive and i fell in love with it! The thing is that i only have €13500 and that is as much as i am willing pay for it!

This particular garage have it listed for €14950. He managed to drop a whopping €250 for me but wouldn't go any lower. I have an engineer going out to have a look at it tomorrow so ill wait for his opinion.

Do you think its worth it for a car with 72500 miles on it? Personally i think it is above average for that sort of car, i asked why the previous owner sold it and he said that she got pregnant etc etc and 3 door not suitable anymore.

Any feedback greatly appreciated

Is it a petrol or diesel, what size engine? It's a buyers market, so don't overpay for it.

Mucker Man Its 1.6 petrol.

DMV there are alot of Diesel in with them prices also but they all seem to be around the same price tbh. I was told that garages usually list a vehicle at an inflated price and that usually 10% can be knocked off quite easy, i am willing to offer cash Monday or Tuesday to him but all i have is 13.5k! He asked was i trading in or buying up front, i told him i was buying up front, its obviously better for him that i am buying up front yeah? rather than him getting another car off me and trying to shift it afterwards.....
Offer €13k and tell him that's your final offer and you've seen a similar car for sale elsewhere that you will buy if you can't buy that one. Garages have yards full of cars at the moment and you are in as very strong position with no trade in.
Yeah i was thinking that but he seemed adimant that he would not go lower than €14700! I told him not a chance ill be paying that much for it. He seemed smart aswell, he could tell i was very keen on it (which i really am) which is probably why he stuck with that figure? Average milage on a 04 is approx 55-60k and this one has 72.5k. He also told me that the phones have been hopping for this particular car but i could tell when i started it up that it hasnt been started up since it came in 2 weeks ago! Do you think he is just saying that to make me think: 'oh S*it i better get this fast before its gone!' ?

I hope it doesn't go anytime over the weekend or early next week. Am awaiting engineer i work with to get back to me on it tomorrow anyway.
Offer the salesman what you are happy with, give him your number and tell him call you if he changes his mind, if he doesn't accept your offer. Would you consider bringing a car in from the UK or NI?
The car market is dead, ask anyone and they will tell you.
72k on a petrol car, no one wants one.

Don't get an engineer to check it out until you fix a price.
Offer 13k max and walk away if he says no. Guarantee he will call you back within 2 weeks.
Don't say O if you change your mind call me, as this just shows you are keen on the car and playing with him.
Muckerman, i was looking at vehicles in NI and they are much cheaper but VRT would prob equal what i would pay for one here..

hhhhhh: I have a feeling some person with the same state of mind as me will see this car and just buy it. But i can guarantee you they wont pay 14700 for it.
I need this car by next Friday aswell as i have no lift into work otherwise so im in a little bit of a pickle, heres the link
[broken link removed]

So i should just say 13k final offer cash up front . its only 2k off the asking price not a big hit for a garage when the market is the way it is at the moment..

And its not 69k miles, its 72.5k i saw it today.
Jeeze theres some cheap ones there alright. Not sure what my insurance would be on 2L Diesel but ill check it out. Im so keen on the one i saw today though. 13-13.5k and i think ill go for it, whether he will go that low ill know tomorrow.The garage was full of A3s aswell! Im sure he wants to get rid of just one for a little less Cash up front aswell im suprised he didnt jump at the chance to get rid of a car that quick.
you would be suprised on insurance.

Asked my company about changing from a 1.9 to a 3.0 diesel looking for about 30 quid extra for the rest of the year about 6 months.
Hi just an update.

Engineer went out to view the car today and he said its in top top condition with no crash damage etc. few small scuffs but thats it and also front 2 tyes are a bit worn but when it is sold will be put through NCT and if failed tyres will be changed.

The thing is, even he couldnt get him to budge. He will not go lower than €14600. I have my heart set on this car, even though people may think im nuts! Its just one of those things where you have to have something!

BUT i am not prepared to pay €14600 for it. I will go as far as 13.5 to 14k(and that is pushing the boat out a little). If he says no then good luck its just not going to happen.Engineer says its overpriced by approx €1000. I cant see him refusing to sell me the car there and then cash up front for €14k for the sake of an extra €600 can you?
You have got some good advice here but you seem intent on ignoring it. The guy wont be able to sell that car for that price in the current market. Take the advice offer 13000 grand and say you are not willing to negotiate. He will be Back within 5 days guarenteed. Northern ireland sounds like a good idea too.
But i need a car for Monday week.I even had an engineer out to see it and he pointed out minor things wrong with the car but garage still wouldn't budge.That garage will wait weeks before bringing that price down i know they will. Want colour red too.
I recently bought 07Octavia Diesel for €18000.Dealer wanted €21000,he dropped down to €19500.I told him €18000 take it or leave it and drove away.Hadn't gone quarter of a mile and phone rang........the boss cleared that price!! When do you want to collect it?? Hold your ground is my advice.
2 other things just to consider Paulb:

1. the '04 model was face-lifted soon afterwards to the more attractive front grill and so forth

2. the 1.6 engine is a bit of a dog; the 1.6 FSI is the one you want
Funny thing is, i work in Insurance and the guy selling the car, i know his cousin very well from dealing with him in work related issues, i may ask him if he can do something for me. I will offer 13k on Monday or Tuesday, tell him my mechanic has looked at 2 other A3s for me, one private and one Dealer.Both vehicles with lower mileage and price than the one in question. Only thing stopping me from buying them is the colour but if he is not willing to negotiate with me ill have no other choice but to buy one of the others, as i need a car for work by next Monday, end of.
Would that be the best way to go about it?