Auctions - how it all works

Depends on the nature of the amendment. However contract should reflect agreement so better to ask for all contracts to contain the amendment. That way what you buy and sign for is what you agreed rather than trying to fiddle around with it on the day.

If I have a lot of interest, I will not entertain any amendments - there are an awful lot of messers out there, happy to waste my time with no intention of buying. Equally, if very little interest, I'll happily accomodate anyone who seems serious.

Thanks for that. Last question - what happens if a buyer has'nt got a solicitor with them? Surely this must happen fairly regularly? Are they given any time to get the contract signed? 24hrs?
You still have to sign there and then.
If your solicitor has already approved the new contracts for you then there isn't really any need to go over it again on the day but if they haven't had sight of the new contracts before the day, you can't bid at the auction 'subject to certain amendments'. You have to be happy that the contracts are ok before you bid.