

Registered User
Hi, I hope someone can help me out please.

I've had my house up for sale for the past 6 months and the house has not sold with the auctioneer I used. He really did nothing. He told me he had someone interested 6 months ago when I was first deciding which EA to go with and then another one when I told him I was changing. So 2 viewings in 6 months - one to get the account and one to try and keep the account.

There wasn't a "For Sale" sign erected outside the house, so no expense there and there were never any advertisements taken out, in any newpapers either.

Now he tells me I owe him €450.00 for doing diddily squat!!! Well, not quite - he says its for advertising the property on "MYHOME.IE".

I have e-mailed this site, but they won't reply to me. Probably because I'm not an EA myself and this site was set up solely and for the purposes of benefitting auctioneers only and the general public cannot advertise on it. Although, it beats out, that it's the general public that pays their fees :confused::mad::rolleyes:

Therefore, can anyone tell me, how much it should cost to advertise on MyHome for a 6 month period as to me, (which is probably relative at this point cos my house hasn't sold) this seems to be excessive.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

There wasn't a "For Sale" sign erected outside the house, so no expense there and there were never any advertisements taken out, in any newpapers either.

did you not enquire as to why there were no signs or ads?

Probably because I'm not an EA myself and this site was set up solely and for the purposes of benefitting auctioneers only and the general public cannot advertise on it

Like most commercial entities they are they for their own benefit.

Therefore, can anyone tell me, how much it should cost to advertise on MyHome for a 6 month period as to me, (which is probably relative at this point cos my house hasn't sold) this seems to be excessive.

€130 for 12 months
Thanks Mr. Man,

I was just after getting the entire front drive newly tarmacadamed and was trying to keep it like brand new so didn't worry about the "for sale" sign, cos I couldn't figure out, for the life of me where he would put it so that it wouldn't damage the tarmac, other than in a front window (yuk) or on the pavement (big trouble). I was unsure of the advertising in newspapers and when I said it once, I was told "oh you won't need to, this is a great house, it will sell itself". Famous last words eh!

Anyway, thank you for your answer. That's great to know.


We recently put our house up for sale, and the cost for advertising (sign, ads & myhome) was approximately €350 plus 21% VAT.

We had a number of Estate Agents value it and seemed to charge the same amount for this element.

So you be entitled to get a substantial reduction for no sign, which I'd say is the mostly costly part of it, labour cost etc. for a few hours getting there and sticking it up.
Thanks folks. I think what I will do, is as suggested, look for the breakdown of the charge incl. his receipts. Much appreciate all the responses.
i just paid 385 to the auctioneer to advertise and make a brochure and put up on my home and daft....