Auctioneer fee for valuation?


Registered User
I have just received a site as a gift from my father and need to get it valued by an auctioneer. Apparently it has to be under €254k to be exempt from stamp duty. Does anyone know what auctioneers typically charge for this service?
Went to a local auctioneer in the end and he's charging me €150 which seems to be the going rate for this type of job.
150 is the going rate , I managed to get a valuation done in the Meath area for 127 there about 2 months ago.
I had to get two done in Cork recently one cost €75 & VAT to do with an engineers report for a 2 bed apartment that cost €200 & VAT.(the same man did both)
THe other was by an auctioneer who charged €130.
I work in an Auctioneers in the South East and the rate for mortgage valuations (i.e. on the Bank forms) is €127 (incl.). A full written valuation for a solicitor will cost €150 + VAT. Hope this helps.