I am looking for a ladder that I can leave in the garage but bring in to the house to access the attic. About 9' tall with a couple of hooks that can catch hold in the roof space. I don't want to increase the size of the access door that is needed if I get a Stira. Any suggestions?
Why not get a 2 or 3 section loft ladder from B&Q, say, which will fit your existing access door and it is permanently in place. Should cost €50 to €70 depending on size. Abru brand on sale in B&Q.
No problem.
These ones seem to fit most 'standard' openings. A quick check with my friend Google shows they will fit an opening greater than 0.38m wide (or 1' 3") which is pretty small. They also need a clearance arc above the access door (that is inside the attic) of 0.71m and a floor space for lying flat in the attic of up to 1.3m, depending on whether it is a 2 or a 3 section ladder.