Attic conversion & development contributions



Our county council has imposed a development charge of nearly €2k on our attic conversion (60m2). This would amount to about 10% of the total building cost. Most of the charge is for water, which we won't be using in it anyway. We applied for and received planning persmission, though whether we needed it or not is a moot point (velux to rear only, well back from road and not overlooked by anyone anyway, no water/heating pipes of any kind)

I'm currenly in dispute with them about this, They state that all all deveopment is liable. I state that imposition of such charges on small-scale internal domestic development is incorrect and inappropriate.

I've missed the appeals deadline - it's only for a month & I didn't know that there was an appeals window anyway.

An Bord Pleanala (ABP) agrees with me and says LA are all cash stapped and applying the legislation in ways that it was never meant to be applied. However, this was an 'informal' chat with person on the phone only.

Has anyone else has any experience with this? Should I pay this charge (b/c they're 'right' and there' no point fighting it)? Should I appeal it as a 'point of detail' dispute to ABP? Or should I wait for the local authority to come after me for it and trash it out in court?
If you've already missed the appeals window, I'm not sure you have any avenue of appeal left?

Do you have a building professional advising you on this build? They should have advised you on this matter.