Attempted to make offer on house and ....


Registered User
...Estate agent recommended we didn't make offer yet!

We liked the house when we viewed it at weekend so approached EA to make offer\bid.
EA said, "We are going to keep house on market for 5 weeks as its an executor sale. So I'd hold of on making a bid as you don't want to be bidding against yourself."

Really like house. We were going to make big about 10% less than asking. We will keep in touch with him.

Any advice?
It's up to you whether or not to make an offer. Unusual that EA would advise against it as he should be operating in the best interest of the seller. Somebody has to be the 1st with an offer so why not you?
As seems normal in these situations, the EA is acting in his own interests and will not pass your offer on to the vendor. Can you find out who the vendor is and approach them directly?
"Can you find out who the vendor is and approach them directly?"

No, no, no, no, no,no.

If I'm a vendor and I appoint an Estate Agent, I want them to deal with it. I don't want prospective purchasers contacting me directly.

It is more likely that the EA said to the OP to hold off for a few weeks as they are expecting a lot of interest and want to narrow the prospective pool of people they will deal with. As in a cash purchaser or a first time buyer, not trying to sell their own.

Either that or he took pity on an apparently naive prospect who hasn't a chance of getting the house!

Thanks for replies... So - Make offer or sit on hands?
Just keeping in touch with EA (anonymously perhaps) regarding other offers.
I would put in a low offer then the EA has to keep you informed. Do not contact the Vendor directly..I have done this with 4 houses and they always sell through the auctioneers even for less money. Maybe it's a safety thing.