Attachments to neighbours party wall

  • Thread starter linedancerca
  • Start date


I have just noticed that my neighbour has added a water tank to the boundary wall on his side between our two properties. Although this has probably been there some time, I have only just notice4d it as this wall is well above head height. This wall between the properties is owned by myself.

He has recently moved house, and the house next door is up for sale and has been on the market about five months now. My wife did see him visiting the property the other day and spoke to him about it, and he said that there was a lining between the wall and the tank, and that he believed it was a party wall anyway. He also said he was too busy to deal with it.

As far as I am aware, party wall only occur between two semi-detached or terraced properties which is not the case here.

Can anyone advise me whether he is allowed to install a water tank on his property if it is attached to my wall, and what remedies I have if it is not allowed.

Hi Brian,

Welcome to AAM.

As this matter appears to be worrying you it might be as well for you to seek legal advice. If you want it removed a solicitor's letter appears to be the best course of action in light of his attitude.

I would agree with Sueellen. Call a solicitor to find out what the sitaution is. It may be that he just assumed the wall was 50% his and as such he could do what he wanted but as far as I know that is not the case.