ATM Skimming - BOI procedure?


Registered User
A friend of mine has just checked her online BOI current account and has noticed that €2,00 has been taken out over the last 3 days (not by her) 700 - 700 and 600. She has rang the bank and cancelled her card.
What is the correct procedure to get this money back and do you get it all back (or is there and excess)?
Procedure with BoI is:

1. Get details from bank branch of locations that the money was taken out illegally (Gardai will need this info before doing anything). This may take 24 hours or longer depending on how quickly she noticed that money was missing - get details of Time, Bank and Address of ATM for each fraudulent withdrawal

2. She needs to report the crime to the Gardai once she has all the info - technically any Garda station but the bigger ones have more experience in dealing with skimming cases

3. She needs to get WRITTEN (typed or handwritten) confirmation from the Gardai that the matter has been reported on Garda headed paper with case / PULSE reference number - once again the bigger stations seem to be better equipped to deal with this: this can take a number of days. The Gardai take a statement and then need to log the details on the PULSE system and then post out a letter. Depending on your friends powers of persuasion and the garda that she talks to she might get a letter done on the spot but that is not normal garda procedure.

3. Return to branch where account is held with Garda letter, and ID, and fill in appropriate forms (Notification of fraud)

4. Notification of Fraud goes to processing / operations center in Cabinteely where the claim is investigated and if found to be valid all monies including any interest penalties and / or charges are refunded. BoI claim that their "computer guys" can figure out if a card has been cloned or not but I have my doubts - if they can figure that out why not implement it at the ATM's? - my feeling is that if the right forms are filled out then all monies are returned. Once BoI get the garda letter and signed Notification of Fraud they should return the money within two weeks

I think this covers it but if you have any questions just let me know
EFM - thanks for your help. The money was taken from the account on monday, tuesday and wednesday of this week. We live down south and the money was taken out in dublin.
Just an add on - I told her to check with her friends who used the ATM at the same time as she did and they have also had money taken out. This ATM was in Waterford city.
Just an add on - I told her to check with her friends who used the ATM at the same time as she did and they have also had money taken out. This ATM was in Waterford city.

Make sure she includes this info in her statement to the gardai - they will request to view the CCTV footage of the ATM from the bank to see if they can ID the skimmers as part of their investigation
Just wondering if in hindsight if your friend remembers anything suspicious or different about the atm machine used?
Cant offer any assistance on what to do but have heard about this skimming in work during the week .I think the BOI was in Parnell Street if my memory serves me right.

This is my first post here and I hope it's ok to post in this thread.

First of all sorry to read about your friend's card being scimmed Peeete. It's an awful thing to happen.

My girlfriend's (P) purse with credit card inside was stolen last week. She discovered this about an hour after the incident. She cancelled the card straight away. However she was told €800 was taken out and an attempt to take more was made.

P phoned the credit card farud department today and they told her that a total of €1500 was taken. Small withdrawls from ATM's and €800 worth of goods from a shop.

P was told that she is liable to pay the €1500 as the thiefs knew her PIN number. The person in the credit card company said that it is comapany policy that if the correct PIN number is used then the customer is liable. This person said that she must have had the PIN number written down with the card and that they get the same call twenty times a day.

P didn't have the PIN written down anywhere. But it is now her word against the credit card company. She has reported it to the Gardai and she is following the procedures outlined above.

Has anyone who may have been through this kind of thing got any advice?

Can't really offer any advice as I do not have any direct experience in dealing with this, it has never happened to me.

A friend had this done to her but they had cctv footage of the guys doing it so she got her cash back without too much of a fight.

But I've noticed that an awful lot of ATM's in Dublin have glue rings around the card port if you look at them closely.

They seem to be quite crued and not tough to spot if you look for them. If the port looks like it's sticking out a bit grab it and try to yank it, the theives don't leave it stuck on to firmly as they wnat to be able to attach and remove it easily.

Here is a really interesting clip from the bbc program the real hustle about ATM skimming.

My ATM card was skimmed about 1 year ago. To this day I do not know which machine was comprimised (I was travelling between 2 countries at the time) When then money was taken out, it was taken out in NE Italy !

AIB were very helpful and promptly paid me back.