ATM card skimmed €1,000 in NZ today


Registered User

My brother is currently travelling with a few friends & all of them have had their atm cards skimmed today in New Zealand. He has had 1000euros approx skimmed from his account. He rang AIB & cancelled his card. They told him they cant guarantee that he will get his money back. What can he do? He cannot afford to be without this money. He is due to enter Australia next Monday & needs 5000 Australian Dollars in his account to do this - this could be difficult with the 1000 euros missing.

Has anybody any suggestions as to what can be done? I want to help him as much as possible from this end.

Any help would be most appreciated.
Re: ATM card skimmed €1,000 in NZ today

Does he already have his visa for Australia? If he does, then the AUD 5000 rule doesn't matter as they only need evidence of it on visa application, not entry. (As far as i can remember) As for getting the money back, he will probably just have to fight with AIB. Make sure they go to the police and see if anyone else (apart from his friends) has complained. If they have, then there should be no problems convincing the bank that he didn't give the pin number to anyone.
Re: ATM card skimmed €1,000 in NZ today

Thanks for the reply. I know that he informed AIB as soon as he realised & was on hold with them for 20 mins being passed thru the various departments but they didnt appear too hopeful for him getting the money back. I guess he'll just have to keep trying them.