ATM CArd Charges


Registered User
I have been charged two amounts of €20 in respect of ATM cards on 5/10/05, obviously one charge for each of the joint a/c holders, Mrs S and I. Is this the correct charge? Also we are charged a €3 plastic card charge when they send us the new chip and pin cards.

Yes that is correct. €20 per joint card.

The other €3 has nothing to do with Government stamp duty - which bank was this with? I know UB charge for replacing cards. If it's a card replacement charge and the card was not due to be replaced (and was only replaced to implement Chip & PIN) I'd refuse to pay it - I know other people whpo have refused to pay it & had the fee refunded. Basically, their timing on the implementation of Chip & PIN is their business decision & you shouldn't have to pay for it.
You pay tax for financial Cards as follows:

Credit Cards and Charge Cards: €40
ATM Cards: €10
Laser Cards: €10
Combined ATM/Laser Cards: €20

In respect of your "€3 plastic card charge" mind telling us which bank you are using?
Ulster Bank have written to me in the last week telling me they will be issuing a chip and pin replacement card to me within the next couple of months. I wont be paying any charge as my current non CnP card does not expire until the end of next year
I know people with UB who were charged the card replacement fee but queried it & got it refunded. Just keep an eye on your bank statement.
No worries there, I have a history of tormenting my bank in relation to these types of charges, and have threatened on more than one occasion to move my business.
Thanks for the replies. The bank is National Irish Bank. Last year they sent a Chip and Pin card to the wife and charged a 6 euro fee which brought her up to the previous card's expiry date. I reckoned this amounted to an annual equivalent of €24. I queried this and it was refunded. I see they have now snuck in with two €3 charges, one for each of us.
