At what point does an EA get paid ?


Registered User

We had agreed a price to sell our house and move to Dublin due to work.

Deposits got left with auctioneer by folks buying our house.

Things have moved quickly over the past 10days and fortunately circumstances have changed and we no longer need to move.

So I will be pulling my house off the market . No contracts have been signed and the only monies to exchange hands between the EA and I was advertising fees.

Do I still owe the auctioneer the 1.5% commission ?

I am only asking here so when I do call tomorrow I can be more confident etc ?

The EA did work hard with viewings etc so I don't mind paying for that but where do I stand overall?


AFAIK, the EA only gets paid if the house is sold. Did you sign any sort of paperwork from the EA when you took him on in the first place?
Agree. You should have a contract with the EA which states their terms and conditions - and usually they only get paid on sale of property. In business, you win some, you lose some. The EA is only paid when the vendor solicitor divvies up the sale money between the various interested parties (EA, solicitor, finance company etc.).