At the moment (07-10-2008) where is the best place to invest overseas?

Sorry supe I misread your post, I thought you were talking about the philippines, Im a long way from Abu dhabi!
Re: At the moment where is the best place to invest overseas?

That's encouraging -- just five times too expensive then.
I haven't seen much at 5k lately, except for very wet boggy land that isn't iof much value for tree growth. People selling dry land in Leitrim still think around the 10k mark, in my recent experience. For forestry, that makes no sense at all.
Re: At the moment where is the best place to invest overseas?

the asking price is not nsync with the selling price or anywhere near it right now , land was fallen by several thousand euro an acre since the peak of very early 2007 , it was reported in the farmers journal before xmas that the average price of land nationally right now is around 10k an acre , leitrim has always been well below the average price nationally so while follks in leitrim may still be asking 10 k , the market says otherwise right now , personally i think it could be at least ten years and possibly twenty before land is near 20 k an acre again , thier has been a shift in attitute towards property , added to that it was not farmers who drove the price of farmland to nearly 20k and acre on average but people who had sold land for development near towns for a few hundred k and acre

You really need to break up your posts in to readable sentences and paragraphs. This way people will read and respond to your posts.


At 10k or a.n.other price what is the typical yield or return per annum from forestry in Leitrim???
At 10k or a.n.other price what is the typical yield or return per annum from forestry in Leitrim???

forrestry premium untill recently was 220 euro an acre per year TAX FREE , i think they may have been some cuts though in forrestry premium , if you can buy the land for 5k and acre which you should be able to do in leitrim , then its a pretty simple sum , the problem is getting land to buy, an extremly small amount of land comes up for sale in ireland each year
Not meaning to be pedantic or anything but isn't Leitrim still part of the auld sod?

The best and safest place at present is the UK market. Property prices have dropped by 20% over the past year and sterling has lost athird of its value against the Euro.

I have been thinking of Oz. The dollar has lost about 40% against the euro these last few months. Its expected to get weaker ( some talk of 50cent to the US dollar ). Might be a good investment if the property values keep declining in Australia. Going to look at it in 5 months time.