person age 63 in full time employment - is there an option to take early retirement / redundancy - do you sign (unless you are lucky enough to get a job) until you reach age for pension?
possibility that redundancy may be offered - would it be early retirement or just looked at another job seeker?
Unless he is being offered a good redundancy package with lump sum and pension which is enough to support him till he is 66 when he can apply for a State Pension he would to think very carefully.
The only SW payment he can receive is Jobseekers Benefit (subject to conditions) which is for a maximum of one year and perhaps JA after that subject to a means test.
In that case I guess that there is no "early retirement" option since there is no occupational pension to fall back on and you don't get the state pension til later on. So the person would presumably sign on as normal until they get another job or reach state pension age?