Asking price V's offer


Registered User
I'm sorry if this question is asked a lot, I'm new to buying a house thread!

I am interested in a house, and the asking price is €300,000. I know this house has been on the market for at least 9 months. I was wondering how low an offer on this would be acceptable? I was thinking of around €260,000...could I go lower or would this be too low?

(btw house is in county monaghan)
You really need to look at the actual house and houses that are near by. the house could be advertised at 300k but might only be worth 200k in the current market, but then again it might be worth 295k (but i doubt it)
If you think 260k is a fair price and your happy to pay it, then that ok. But if your pushing your finaces for 260k, then i'd maybe hold off for a few months more. Dont worry about an offer being too low, the worst that will happen is its refused and the best senario is €€€k saved
If you think the house would have been sold if 2006/7 for 300k, i'd definatly wouldn't offer more than 230K, but thats irrlevent with out knowing the house.
If you think the house would have been sold if 2006/7 for 300k, i'd definatly wouldn't offer more than 230K, but thats irrlevent with out knowing the house.

Thanks Senna...that's what i was interested in. I don't think these people have dropped the price of the house at all. Thanks
When you make an offer, you can rarely go lower afterwards, so don't be afraid to bid low first off, all they can say is no.