Asked to come into new job for a week before interview


Registered User
I hope that I have not made too much of a mistake here. I applied for a job this week - talked to the HR Manager who seemed quite nice and put in my CV. She just rang me back and said that she thought that I was great on the phone and she was stuck next week and could I come in for a week or did I want to wait for a formal interview later in the week. I turned down the offer of the weeks work and then she said that she will be in touch again next week about a formal interview. My question really is have I messed this up? Are my chances at the interview next week (that's if she calls me again) scuppered beacuse I did not take the week of work. Any advice appreciated.
Did you make some excuse a to why could not makr the interview? Seems like an unusual request to make. Seems rather unusual to offer someone a work placement without an interview. What type of job are you applying for?

Can you not say you had holidays booked or something and were unavailable.
It was a reception job, I did say that I was unavailable, but I thought it was a bit weird too. But I have to admit that my excuse was not that good, I said (this was the truth - bad move) that I had just signed on.
If you were not available, they cannot hold that against you. Might be a bad move if they get someone in for the week and offer them the position fulltime.

Would have been an opportunity to show your skills, which would have done no harm in getting the role. No point in worrying about it at this stage, there is nothing you can do. Just prepare for the interview. offer some good interview tips.

Best of luck.
It wouldn't be that unusual to offer temp work to someone whose CV you had on file - I've done it before. Interviewing is a fairly strict process in the sense of how it has to be conducted (that's if it's done properly of course); not going in shouldn't be 'held against you' so to speak.

Taking the week's work would have been a good idea as you would at least have known what was involved - but there's not a lot you can do about it now - you'll know for next time!