Askaboutmoney gettogether in Roscrea this Friday night


Registered User
Trip to tipp - No. "


1. Who is running the event - ACE High Card Club
2. The purpose of the event (charity, - Scouts)
3. Date and Location of event February 24th Grants Hotel Roscrea Co.Tipp
phone 0505 23300
4. Registration and Start time of event. 6.30- start at 7.30
5. Any prerequisites (member of club, society etc) Yes €5.00
6. How can tickets be purchased & is there a maximum number (in advance, at the door etc.) By post (pm me for details) by phone-credit card with Hotel, on the door.
7. Type of Tournament (Hold'em/Rebuy etc.)
8. Cost of entry and any subsequent rebuys/top-ups etc.€20+€5, rebuys/topups €20
9. Cost of registration - €5
10. % of entry fee/rebuys/top-up going into Prize fund- 75%to prize fund/25% to scouts
11. Any guarenteed prize
12. If applicable, Number of re-buys allowed and over what time frame/blind levels. blind levels to be posted later.
13. Starting Chips- 1500
14. Rebuy and Top-up chip amounts.1500- topup 3000
15. Blind levels25/50

16. Blind timeframes- 20 min
17. Places being paid and if any prizes are other than cash (free entry to other tournie, merchandice etc)will be announced on the night asap after topups completed
18. Are there going to be dealers - and their level of skill- self deal
19. Will there be a documented list of rules Yes
20. Is there a tournament director Yes- Me
21. How are disputes handled - who has final say. Me

Please bear in mind this is a charity event, we are not geting paid for it, the redg fee is to cover costs etc.
There will be a bar ext again( closed at around 5.00am last time)
Rooms available from hotel - €35pps . pay by credit card for room and ticket.

a report of our last one is here-
[broken link removed]
Re: Trip to Tipp No.`2

Please do make it a aam get together. I don't play poker but would enjoy meeting you all
Re: Trip to Tipp No.`2

I only live down the road from Roscrea. Should be able to manage it.
A few of us will be meeting for dinner in the Golden Dragon in Roscrea at 6pm. The more the merrier, so come along if you are going to the poker.

suggest you buy your ticket in advance so that you get the early purchase bonus chip worth $500.
they can be purchased from the hotel 0505 23300 using your credit card if you wish.