ask local garda about an area before purchasing


Registered User
Just wanted to mention an experience I had recently. I was very interested in buying a property in an area that seemed alright in Dublin. Visited a few times during the day and eventually at night. Each time, nice area with nothing of note happening. When I went at nightime I spotted a Garda and asked them about the area. The response was a swift "you don't want to live here" and they quickly informed me of a 24 hr armed garda pressense and how someone had been shot there not too long ago.

Point is, no matter what you think it goes to show you really should do your homework.
Re: talk to the local garda

I did this too, went to the local station, told them the story and asked if they had any opinions on the area. Needless to say they were a small bit cagey, but in fairness, the garda on duty asked me to come to the back office, where they rang a garda off-duty who lived in the area, told me what he said (no problems) said they never had call-outs there, and the garda then gave me his name to call directly if I ever had a problem. They couldn't have been nicer.
Re: talk to the local garda

Snigger. They never have any callouts in Finglas either. They just sit there in the station eating their doughnuts and let people shoot each other....

Nah, I knew of the garda they called. He wouldn't be living there if it was bad.
Re: talk to the local garda

Well done wheels.

I always used to advise purchasers to do this - often though, they would tell me that the guards refused to comment because eg "we couldn't comment on that sort of thing". Maybe in case they feared some kind of comeback? Glad it worked out for you.
Re: talk to the local garda

A friend of mine who is a Garda in Dublin said they were often asked re an area. He also said that sometimes when they were asked about an area by what he called 'innocents abroad' they felt duty bound to tell them exactly what an area is like from a police perspective.
Re: talk to the local garda

two more cents to the pot..... tomorrow being halloween you can get an idea this week esp tomorrow night of the real ( worst case ) area.... look and see if there's gangs of kids hanging around and I also thing (maybe just being a mom) but you really get an idea of a place by how many houses have christmas or halloween decorations out. I'm not talking christmas with the kranks here, but it can give a lovely sence of the neighbourhood if it's childfriendly and has some spirit.

Happy Halloween!!!!!

PS BOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: talk to the local garda

If the Gardai are a bit reluctant to pass comment on an area, you could always request they give you a Neighbourhood Watch contact who would be actually living there and happy to share their experiences in the area? Worked for us!!