Ashtown D15 Vs Adamstown



Hi folks,
I am planning to buy a 1 bed apartment as an investment... I paid a booking deposit at the village rathbourne near ashtown rail station about couple of weeks back. however, now thinking to backout from this purchase and buy in adamstown area instead... appreciate if anyone know about adamstown area - 1 bed apartment - new development and let me know which location would be a good investment your opinion. Ashtown D15 (285K) or Adamstown Lucan (280K)?

Best regards,
That looks like crazy money for a 1 bed apartment surely if it's an investment that your hoping to rent out you could get something in the city center in a better location for less money. God forbid things went belly up in the property market I would rather be sitting on a 1 bed in the city than Adamstown or Ashtown. The traffic (which is bad now and going to get worse as more people move in) and the fact it will be a building site for the next few years would put me off Adamstown don't know much about Ashtown.
Both sound v expensive to me also, especially when you consider that you will have to pay stamp duty as an investor.
thanks for ur reply.
i checked city centre apartments, but they are far high prices...for 1 bed apt. in city centre in good areas is above 310k. the ashtown is off navan road (about 5 miles from city centre), beside rail station..
What about Prospect Hill on the Finglas Road. Think there is a new release soon. Its a better location from a public transport location. I'm not sure about the prices there though but they would be around the same or lower I'd say.
I can't see any advantages that Adamstown has over Ashtown - perhaps size of apartment? Looking at it rationally as an investor (and presuming you've done your sums regarding yield etc):
Rentabilty: Ashtown would be attractive to a much larger market, blanchardstown workers, city centre workers etc, young professsionals (who might like to live their lives rather than go home every evening).
Transport: Adamstown should have a train station - Ashtown already has one, additionally, there are many buses from ashtown and you'll be in the city centre in 20 mins.
Location: One is in Dublin, the other is in Lucan/Clondalkin - no contest.
Builder reputation: Same builder
Property Downturn scenario: Okay both may well lose value, but which will lose most? The one bedroom apartment in Lucan or the one bedroom apartment on the Navan Road?
For me it's no contest, but as a matter of interest, what reasons do you have for considering purchasing in Adamstown over Ashtown?
Ashtown would win for me due to the fact that it's beside a train station that:

1) Exists
2) Brings you direct to Connelly (or Maynooth College / Intel / HP) rather than Hueston

As a renter I would prefer to live in Ashtown than Adamstown (though that may have more to do with my job location) and I know a number of people renting quite happily there.

E700 (8 is you're v lucky) is the current rental return for a 1 bed in Ashtown. I can't imagine what people would be happy to pay in Adamstown.
Right...train is always a good option...but I guess depending on where you are in Ashtown, there may be a bit of a walk to the station...Finglas Rd at peak time has buses constantly on a pretty good bus corridoor...I'm delighted with the service to there...Plus its no more than 10Euro in and out of town in a taxi..Just feels a lot closer to town...
Plus its no more than 10Euro in and out of town in a taxi..Just feels a lot closer to town...
Fair enough, Ashtown probably 14 in a taxi.
Howitzer - from looking at Daft, lettors are looking for 950 odd for a one bedroom - do they not get that?
Glenbhoy said:
Howitzer - from looking at Daft, lettors are looking for 950 odd for a one bedroom - do they not get that?

I suppose you can always ask. I know 2 people renting there, 1 pays 800, the other 700.

I've found with new builds, landlords (esp new ones) ask for an amount that covers their mortgage rather than having an idea what the market really is. And after a couple of months drop the price in order to fill the place.

I have heard of someone paying 1200 for a one bed in the Phoenix Park racecourse apts, but haven't met the person, so maybe 950 is achievable. It would have to be pretty swanky though, with a designated parking space and managed professionally (PTRB registered, PPSN given for rent relief, all problems dealt with instantly).
Glenbhoy said:
That's pretty cheap, yield is'nt exactly the best though

Possibly. But from my experience the only people paying high rent are Spanish/Italian/French/Australian living within the canals. They'll pay the money but treat the place terribly, basically treating it as a holiday home.

Irish professionals generally live outside the canals, adjacent to good public transport. They won't pay over the odds (the idea of dead money) but expect high quality and know all their rental rights. Ashtown would tick most of these boxs. The market in Adamstown is unproven, to me, in this regard.

to me there is no contest. Ashtown wins.

The only thing from an investors point of view that adamstown has over ashtown is the Wyeth plant and proposed large campus (maybe Intel) that the IDA have earmarked.

The developers are the same. They built a complex near where I live and were suppose to build a train station. Quess what, no train station and none in the foreseeable future!!!!!!!!!!!

But they are very good builders.
Thanks for ur replies. This Will surely help me in deciding. You are right Glenbhoy.. rental yield is not so good. I hear a lot about big future plans, rail links, town centre, schools etc etc about Adamstown and so was inclined towards adamstown. I think there are quite a lot positive points in Ashtown location than new adamstown and would consider Ashtown due to its merits. Thanks again.