asbestos guttering


Registered User
I am about to purchase an ex-council house, and the survey states that there is asbestos guttering on the rear of the house, and also asbestos roofing on a small shed in the back garden. The surveyor recommended that I get the asbestos guttering be replaced farily soon. though the asbestos roof on the shed could remain. Does anyone know how much it would cost to get asbestos guttering removed from the back of the house -it is only an average size house - 1,400 sq ft.? I know that I would have to get a specialist contractor to remove the asbestos. Would it be better to get rid of the asbestos roofing on the shed in the back garden at the same time, though the surveyor said this could remain. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Did the seller mention this or did it first come up in the survey? Do you plan to pay yourself or reduce the offer price?
Hi! Melly, thanks for your reply. The issue of asbestos guttering came up in the survey. The surveyor said that most houses of this age had some asbestos. Didn't reduce offer because I just got the survey on Thursday last, and am trying to find out how much it would cost to get it done. Really nervous about asbestos as had an asbestors roof on my mam's home, and if we hadn't sold it, it was going to be quite expensive to fix.
I think you should talk to the seller and see if they are prepared to resolve the issues themselves (replace both gutters and roof) to your satisfaction. If not, then get estimates, or consider not proceeding? Sounds expensive though...
Yes, melly, I think I will get a quote from a licensed contractor to remove the guttering and ask them to factor this into the price. Thanks. Elainem.

I'm renovating a 1960s 3-bed semi-D and was told the guttering was (painted) asbestos. Now I wouldn't know asbestos from ice-cream but that's what the guttering salesman reckoned - he could have been spinning me a yarn.

In any case it cost me €1000 for new uPVC guttering and to get the old stuff taken away.

Best of luck with the house purchase!

to get the old stuff taken away

Did you get a certificate for the disposal of the Asbestos? that seems very cheap! I have a similar problem with a 1950's council house I own and to be honest I'm scared to ask for a quote to have this removed!

Did you get a certificate for the disposal of the Asbestos? that seems very cheap! I have a similar problem with a 1950's council house I own and to be honest I'm scared to ask for a quote to have this removed!


No I didn't and I've been a bit worried about it. They told me they were fully licensed to deal with it. I was never fully convinced the old gutters were asbestos, only had the word of the salesman to go on. They did a lot of houses on the road and collected the old gutters in large lots at the end. Must ask my neighbours about it.
Hi Elain M,
We had some asbestos removed from an old shed roof .Approx. 2sq metres of corrugated asbestos.We called in Barnmore to dispose of it and they double bagged and sealed it .They gave me a certificate and mentioned something about exporting it .The chap told me they have to submit a "cradle to grave" documentation / certs for the EPA. This cost me 160 Euro(which I wasnt expecting) But it was done professionally and anyway , what price peace of mind. Best of luck
ronnie, that was cheap -- I have seen circumstances where having small amounts of asbestos removed costing many thousands. If you intend to offer a new price for the property, the reduction will have to include the price for removal and replacement -- gutters and shed roof.