Artificial fireplace - where to buy???


Registered User
Hi all,

I would like to install an artificial fireplace in my house, the ones that don't actually emitt any heat but just light up for show. Does anyone know where I can buy one in Dublin? I have tried DID but no joy, I think they may sell them in Roches Stores.

I live in the Maynooth area.

Any help MUCH appreciated!


cheers man, they have exactly the kind of fireplaces I am looking for but have no resellers listed in Ireland:(

Anyone else know where I can get one in Dublin or even anywhere in Ireland?
livEwirE said:
cheers man, they have exactly the kind of fireplaces I am looking for but have no resellers listed in Ireland:(

Anyone else know where I can get one in Dublin or even anywhere in Ireland?

You can order directly from Dimplex by requesting a Brochure

[broken link removed]

Good Luck ;)
Well the request wasn't specifically for Dimplex was it? Do you work for Dimples Dobber22? ;)
Lauren said:
Well the request wasn't specifically for Dimplex was it? Do you work for Dimples Dobber22? ;)

Apollogies Lauren didn't mean to step on your toes ;) I don't work for Dimplex they just seem to have with widest range of product is all.
No toe stepping offence committed here.....If you are a Dimplex fan you go for it! :)
Lauren said:
No toe stepping offence committed here.....If you are a Dimplex fan you go for it! :)

Ooouuuhhh Firey ;) heh heh heh :)
