Arriving at a hotel at 4 am?


Registered User

I'm thinking about heading to Egypt in the coming weeks. To avail of a cheap flight, it would be ~3 to 4am before I'd reach a hotel* in Cairo (or at the airport). Is there ever a problem arriving at a hotel so late? Has anyone got experience arriving in the early hours at an Egyptian hotel?

*no hotel booked yet
of course there is no problem. they are used to people arriving at all hours
Just make sure to let them know and perhaps take advantage of an airport pick-up service or taxi linked to the hotel to drop you where you need to go.
Cairo has lots of flights arriving and departing at odd hours of the night so provided it's not a tiny hotel I'm sure it's not an issue - they'll be well used to it .. your room would be guaranteed on credit card anyway I assume.

Only drawback with a 4.00am arrival time is you'll still have to pay for the hotel for the night and you wouldn't get that much use out of it .. so you'd need to factor in the "wasted" hotel night into whether the flight is cheaper or not (assuming you'd otherwise get a reasonably timed flight getting in at a civilised hour the following day)