Army / PRSI / Widows Pension question


Registered User
My late father was an army officer from the 1940s to 1980s.
My mother (75) is in receipt of a Dept of Defence Pension.

My question relates to the Contributory Widows or Old Age Pensions.

For some reason, my father only made PRSI contributions in his first year in the army. Therefore he did not make the required 260 weeks of PRSI contributions, and my mother does not qualify for a contibutory state pension.

Does anyone know if it was normal for an Army Officer not to pay PRSI in that era? As far as I know, they do now. I know there are other non-army public servants who did pay PRSI during this period, and are now eligable for both their Public service pension and a Widows Pension.

Perhaps the PRSI contributions were voluntary? If so, he was badly advised if he did not pay them for the required 260 weeks.

Many thanks