dave...as far as i understand, in plain english..you take out a mortgage say for 20 years, but you have the option for the first e.g five years to pay very little of your mortgage, but when day 1 of year 6 arrives, suddenly your mortgage payment jumps very substantially.
so for arguments sake...you are quite comfortable paying your $900 per month for the first five years and then suddenly your payments go up to $3500 per month...
large amounts of these seem to have been sold in the usa, perhaps a bit too easily, and a good proportion are heading for that year 6 higher payment in the next year or two.
We've had subprime, but this could be act 2 in the us financial crisis.
My main point for bringing up this topic is that i hope these sort of mortgages were not available in ireland, and that 100% mortgages (excl tiny subprime market here) were probably the nearest thing to these sort of loans (yet still far apart).