Arklife Pip Ssia

ye I think I got the internet banking thing sorted, should be up by Monday so then I will be able to watch it myself.

I have no real need for the money so I can leave it in there but it sounds like they have taken a big hit. Im not as worried though after hearing that people think that the markets will recover and at least now the shares are cheap.

I actually have another question though, how often do they buy the shares? is it once a month, everytime that you pay your monthly istallment?
well Im live on 24hour banking and my shares have indeed gone down a lot I'll leave them there but I hope they improve again. Can someone explain how often etc they buy the shares etc. Thanks
If you buy units monthly they invest accordingly.

A couple of points on this:

1/. Contract isn't prohibitively expensive.
2/. Choice of funds is an issue between policyholder and AIB. They advised you.
3/. Timing. If you believe the funds will recover in time to coincide with your original savings timescale then do not encash now. In actual fact a market fall in those circumstances would be a monthly buying opportunity.
4/. If you want to be defensive, redirect all premiums into more secure funds. Leave the high risk funds invested, but without further premiums.
5/. Encashing after a paper loss only crystalises that paper loss into an actual one.
God we certainly weren't at the bottom of it!!! I set up my online banking but got rid of it coz it was too painful to watch. When people talk about the markets recovering do they just expect it to go back up to the prices they were at when they were at their peak or would they go up and beyond? I suppose who knows. Is the value on my fund based on the price ofmy shares as in if I was to sell all my shares I would receive what I see on internetbanking? Im a complete novice have patience! also what happens if compaines go under that I have shares in?
I just had another look and my shares are a huge amount down on the contributions paid in which doesn't even take into account the original ssia government contribution. I think Ive been paying in now 8 years so I may stop paying in and leave it sitting there, would anyone have any thoughts on this?

How much have you paid into your policy to date? Whats its value as of today?
Contributions Paid to Date Excluding Government Incentive 8,100.00
Estimated Value After Tax7,373.51
Contributions Paid to Date Excluding Government Incentive 8,100.00
Estimated Value After Tax7,373.51

So basically your down 727 euro. Did you withdraw the government contributions when it matured?
no should I have??? Do you believe the markets when they do recover will ever get back to what they were or will they go above and beyond? Id say iit was worth about 10,000 and I just looked and it's down to 6,700 now just wondering do other people that have shares expect to get back what they paid in? Im not even too worried about profit it's just getting back what I put in

Thats the mistake I made too. When the goverment contribuations matured in 2006 I didnt withdraw it, as I didnt need the money. Now it has been wiped out just like yours. I have been in the SSIA but mine is with NEW IRELAND and i am paying in 8 years too.

I read yesterday an article in the Business section of the paper that in the 1930s great ression followed by a recession when shares were wiped out it took 1954 before shares recovered!!!
whaaaaa 25 years to just recover????? well I reckon I'm gonna leave mine in for another 5-8 years or so as I read this in another post...

"My original investment was 20K which I took out in Sep 2006. I contribute 250 per month. To date I have put in a total of 27,250 and as of today its worth 17,760.!!!

Its a PIP ARK LIFE investment. I would be looking at a minimum of 10 years for this type of investment so if it was me I would continue investing knowing that my monthly contribution is buying more units now given that markets have fallen substantially. I look at equity investments over a ten to fifteen year period and property over a twenty year plus period."

I don't need the money and so it's no advantage to me taking it out. Would this be a wise thing to do?
lets hope it does. Im afraid that I won't get back what I put in. Do you think it will recover to what it was? Im not sure what to expect from this