Argentina - Provisional Plan for 3 Week Holiday - Advice Please!


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I am heading to Argentina for the last week in Jan and the first two weeks in February (22 days in all). ;) Cant wait!

My provisional itenerary is:
4 days - Buenos Aires
2 days - Uruguay (Punto Del Sacremento)
2 days - Igazu Falls
4 days - El Calafate and surrounding areas
3 days - Bariloche and surrounding areas
4 days - Mendoza
3 days - Cordoba

I understand Argentina is a huge country - is this too much for 22 days? The last thing i want to do is spend 3 weeks in a race - after all this is a holiday. However on the other hand we want an active holiday and are not into the lounging in the beach type breaks.:confused:

Is this just too much squeezed into a short space of time? If we were to cut something what would you recommend?

Do you mean Colonia del Sacramento in Uruguay?

If so, you can actually do the Uruguay thing in a day trip. Just get an early boat over from BA and late one back. It's worth seeing for 3-4 hours, but given that you're not the lounging types, you may be bored out of your tree if you spend more than that amount of time there.
I spent 3 weeks in Argentina last October & would think that you are taking on too much, all flights use BA as a hub so this doubles up all flights, ie to go from Mendoza to Cordoba then you have to go back to BA or get a bus. Not sure how you plan to travel from & to each place but would think you would spend a lot of days travelling.

We split our time between BA which was a great city, then Bariloche, Mendoza & finally Salta.
I agree with Bob. Colonia del Sacramento is an ideal day trip but not sure if there's enough there for 2days. It's easy to get the ferry from BA.

2 days is plenty of time in Iguassu also. Just enough time to see it from the Brazil & Argentinian side.

There's lots to see & do in Buenos Aires so maybe spend more time there.

You'll have a great time!
I'm just back from a year travelling and i think argentina would be my major recommendation for a three week holiday. Agree with the comments above - country is huge (i did a number of 24 hour plus bus journeys).

If your active then i would be inclined to skip the uruguay trip and spend some time in el chalten - there is some great hiking around there.

Iguazu is fantastic. BA is great. Mendoza is great if your into wine but you could cut some time there if your not. One thing that might be worth thinking abourt would be a trip into bolivia to see the salt plains - it would require a major reworking of your intinary but it was one of my highlights of South America.

In any case - its afab country
I didn't make it there but my daughter spent 3 months travelling in SA and still raves about Bolivia & the salt plains. I think she'd agree with cormacol to try squeeze it into your itinerary if you get the chance.

Have a great time......wish I was could make it back again.
Thanks for all the replies - I will have to revise my itinerary based on your comments. Am going to leave out Bolivia as i reckon i will go back to SA in the next few years.

I understand January and February are peak times to travel in Argentina. Do i need to book accomodation and flights in advance? Normally i like to play things by ear but i am concerned that i may not be able to do this anymore??
Do i need to in advance?

I found it very difficult to book internal flights via credit card. They have various security restrictions on credit cards over there. Also, travellers cheques weren't accepted readily, so I found that I had to keep hitting the ATM for cash. Some of the airlines did take reservations over the phone (or internet - I can't remember which), so you could try that.

If I were you, I'd load up your current/checking account in advance, in case you need to access cash via the ATM (not just for the airlines, but for a lot of other things too).