Are You Getting the Amount of Home Heating Oil You Ordered..?


Registered User
If you order, for example, 900 litres of home heating and the oil truck comes to your house and delivers the oil; how do you know you have genuinely got 900 litres?

How do you know they have not delivered 850 litres or 800 litres?

Does anyone here have any way of knowing for definite that the amount of home heating oil you have paid for is the same amount you have received?
The docket should have a counter on it showing what it was at before they pumped it in and after, which should equal the amount of oil you got .... or at least that the way it was when I used to order it.

It may be possible that those counters are fiddled with however, I don't know much about them.

Probably best thing to do is get your own guage for your oil tank, afaik they show how much is in it, so take a reading before they deliver and after - before you hand over the money
If you don't have a reliable tank gauge then use a dipstick before and after to double check the delivery before the delivery person departs.
I've noticed all tankers that have delivered to me have a meter on the side, similar to that on a petrol pump, which shows the amount of oil as it is pumped out. So keep an eye on that if its there next time.
yes but is it metered from the start of the hose or the end of the hose. are you getting the oil that is left in the hose?
Dunnangall said:
yes but is it metered from the start of the hose or the end of the hose. are you getting the oil that is left in the hose?
Once it is metered consistently at both the start and end of the delivery, I don't think it matters whether the meter is as the start or end of the hose.
It blows out what is in the hose so there should be nothing in the hose at the start and end of the delivery.
How do you know what you are getting at petrol pumps? theres 20 'half ones' in a bottle of spirits but its a poor pubican who doesn't get at least 21 out of the bottle. I personally have my doubts about the meters on petrol pumps. I'm sure theres weights and measures people who check on them but how often?
If you suspect that you are being ripped off by petrol stations then why not carry a canister of known quantity and a funnel with you in the boot and then dispense the petrol into the canister before decanting it into the car's tank? That way you will be sure of what you're getting and can complain with confidence if you are not getting the correct amount displayed on the pump
cuchulainn said:
How do you know what you are getting at petrol pumps? theres 20 'half ones' in a bottle of spirits but its a poor pubican who doesn't get at least 21 out of the bottle. I personally have my doubts about the meters on petrol pumps. I'm sure theres weights and measures people who check on them but how often?
The Legal and meterology service a part of the NSAI inspect petrol pumps annually.
ClubMan said:
If you suspect that you are being ripped off by petrol stations then why not carry a canister of known quantity and a funnel with you in the boot and then dispense the petrol into the canister before decanting it into the car's tank? That way you will be sure of what you're getting and can complain with confidence if you are not getting the correct amount displayed on the pump
Note that there are legal regulations about what kinds of canisters you can legally purchase petrol in (to stop the kids filling up their milk-bottles at the pumps, as used to happen in the old days), so you'd need to make sure your canister is safe.
You would not be purchasing the petrol in the cannister in my example - you would be filling it and then decanting it into the car tank as many times as necessary until you had purchased the amount that you wanted and could then check the amount against that on the pump.