Are you embarassed to be Irish?

A lot of people have said they are proud to be Irish, but nobody has answered the question: Why? What are the things that make you proud to be Irish? I need to be cheered up here!
Maybe it is more of a comfort than a pride. But I love the trad music and the mythical tales. I love the landscape and the rich vibrant green of the grass that I have never seen elsewhere.

I am not sure if I am proud of that or whether it is just something I love. I just happened to be born, I didn't ask to be and I certainly have had no part in what I listed above.
A lot of people have said they are proud to be Irish, but nobody has answered the question: Why? What are the things that make you proud to be Irish? I need to be cheered up here!

Sandwiches in the Long Valley
In fact great Irish food around the country, go to your local butcher, baker or market this weekend
The championship over the summer or a good local match, "pride of the parish"
The smell of furze bush after a shower of rain
Total strangers saluting me when I drive past them out in the country
The turn out at a funeral.
The extended Irish family, having loads of cousins that you actually know and the Irish mammy
Olivia O'Leary and Joe O'Connors podcasts in the evening
Gift grub
Proper rugby and football analysis on RTE in comparison with the Beeb or sky
The efforts people make in their local community
Our accents
Local papers
The scenery
A pint of plain
The fact that you can meet an Irish person overseas and within 1 minute you'll have found some connection to them
Great lis mpsox.

Add these too:

King Crisps.

Irish Bread. All types.

Our butter.

Black sense of humour.


Not too much standing on ceremony.

Writer's Yeats, Beckett, Wilde , Joyce, Swift

Wot's the long valley and wot's Tonora ?
True, but it gets quite a few outputs from the rates of taxation.

I'm sure it has been posted before, but here it is again.

The Civil List is the payment made to the Queen by the government of the day.
It is funded from the properties owned by the Queen.
The Government makes a huge profit on this deal.

This system is due to change shortly in that the Queen will get a bigger percentage, BUT the Government will still be making a big profit.