Are you a bus lane user? If so, why?!

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Registered User
Just curious to discover the rationale people have for driving the full length of a traffic queue and then flicking on the indicator expecting to be let in at the top of the queue!Following a recent house move, I'm in the car for a bit longer these days and am amazed by the things I see people do in cars. Its no wonder the road death stats are the way they are when there is such a mentality of blatant disregard for other road users and the basic rules that are there for everyone to use.So if you are one of these people, can you tell me if you were standing in a queue in McDonalds and were next to be served and I walked in the door and walked the length of the queue to beside you and ordered ahead of you, would you stand there quietly? I doubt it. Why should the very basic manners of queing be different just because we're sitting in a car?!
Don't post rants anywhere other than Letting Off Steam (when you have enough posts to do so).
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