Are wireless home phone base station signals detrimental to health?

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Registered User
I have recently swapped out my fancy cordless home phone for an old-school wired version of same.
I did this after speaking to a holistic doctor who urged me to do so. He felt very strongly about the possible health effects. Specifically, mobile masts and their mini cousins "cordless base stations". He was less concerned (but still wary of) wi-fi signals.
I then googled the subject to find his concerns may not be without grounds.
Many wireless systems are relatively new. (AM/FM etc are fine I'm sure, but new bandwidths, frequencies, and technologies are coming on line year on year, without any examination of long term health implications.)
Is it possible we are being harmed without realising it?
It wasn't so long ago smoking was considered a harmless pasttime.
Could our children or grandchildren look back and say "they were harming themselves and were blissfully unaware"?
Any thoughts on this?
Am I just a crazy tinfoil hat?
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