are we still importing non nationals into our workforce

Foreign National is the correct term and yes we are still in an open economy with free movement between European countries. We can travel and find work, opportunities in other countries.

Yes, it is such an annoyance that foreigners get their hands on our money.

Tell you what, let's throw all that development money back at the EU and start it all again by ourselves without anybody's help.
My other half is not european or african and he has an irish passport (before he met me)but because of his accent people will always see him as foreign.
Not to mention golf!

Yes, 'not to mention it' would be a good idea.
I'd prefer to think of the music thanks.

...and wish to add The Associates, This post will be deleted if not edited immediately & mary Chain and The Cocteau Twins.

As for the OP - I'm lost for words at the irony of a (presumably) Irish person posting something like this.
I think the greater problem is that we don't get to a situation where we resume exporting ourselves around the world due to lack or work, lack of oportunities and a general economic malaise as has happened so many times throughout our recent history.
I think this post is awful. Its people like the OP that cause problems for foreign people trying to make an honest life and living here.
Well we are still hiring EU and non-EU nationals.
We advertise jobs and employ the best candidate for the job. Where they happen to come from is irrelevant but Irish people generally don’t have the skill levels we need.