Are we on the way to a fascist economy?


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So after we now have Enterprise Ireland people working in banks, have effectively taken ownership of major banks the question arises, if we are on the way to a fascist economy.

Now I say fascist not socialist because I see a difference there.

I say fascist because I am meaning an economy where the government exerts strong directive influence, and effectively controls production and allocation of resources. In general, apart from the nationalizations of some industries, fascist economies were based on private property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state

On contrast in a socialist economy I mean where all property is owned by the State and all key economic decisions are made centrally by the State, e.g. the former Soviet Union.

Now why do I think it’s down the fascist route?

Let’s look at the energy sector; while the 2 major players are state owned (but obviously not controlled) the whole market is controlled by the government including price fixing because private investors are contingent on rules from the government about pricing.

Let’s look at the transport sector, while the main provider is state owned he is also allowed to make unfair competition to his private counterparts driving them out of business because the state dictates where services are needed.

Let’s look at banks. While some remain in private hand, the government is now taking over control and dictates their lending process.

But maybe I just see this in a doom light and we are really down the way to a socialist economy.
I'm with Purple - is there really much difference? Although if I recall correctly Hitler made pacts with major industrialists and allowed them to keep much of their wealth, once their companies were directed to produce for the state. Which I guess is different to socialism. But I bet for the ordinary worker, it feels much the same. Working for the state, being told what to do, no freedom to acquire or accumulate wealth.