Re: Are we mad to buy at our age (50yo couple renting at present, expecting inheritan
Over what term is the mortgage offered? is it planned that you will significantly reduce term upon receipt of inheritance? Is the lender aware of this?
Assuming it's a 15yr mortgage (to finish when yee hit 65)... then interest only repayments would be 1250-1300 or so whilst interest & cap repayments would be in the order of 2200 per month. Thats €26k per annum, or approximately 30% of your gross salary. Obviously you may be entitled to interest relief and I don't know your after tax income... but i'd safely assume that after all is factored in, the repayment would equate to somewhere between 40%-60% of your net income...
Now thats assuming a 15yr span... the question is - do you think you could cope with a very large % of your earnings going to meet the mortgage until such time as you recieve the inheritance? And what would happen if the inheritance never materialised? Indeed, what happens if in interest rates start to climb in a few years, or if one of you faces a reduction in earnings?
I don't mean to be negative, but you are considering taking out a mortgage that you may not be able to afford based solely on the receipt of a lump sum at an uncertain date in the future. Perhaps you have been offered a longer term - if so, thats great and this might work - but if it's a 15yr term, then you have to think very hard.
These are only my opinions, i'm sure other members can provide far more detailed answers.