I agree with shnaek, and I think every victim should be allowed a platform to tell their story and vent their anger. Why not?
Only trouble is, this would take years (I'm ok with that) and the main beneficiaries are the legal profession (I've a problem with that!), fees fees, and more bloody fees!
I also agree with Dobber22. The church is an extremely well run business (who else would have taken the chance to ceiling the compo payout with this idiotic government!!).
Recently in Cork, they (church) sold land to Tesco (I think?) in Wilton, and would have fetched hundreds of thousands for it - where is that money put? Also, why not sell the monasteries and convents that cannot be filled anymore due to lack of brothers and nuns, and pool that money into the compo fund for victims.
Why not, wasn't it their deranged clergy who were responsible in the first place?