Are TV Licences back dated?



Similar to car tax is the TV licence backdated so that you need to pay for missing months?

e.g. I pay for a licence now and am covered for 12 months, if I forget to pay again for 6 months after that then when I renew does the licence only cover me 6 months forward as I missed the previous 6 months?
Is there a presumption at law trhat every dwelling has a television all of the time?
oysterman said:
Is there a presumption at law trhat every dwelling has a television all of the time?

Thats the point I was trying to make, it shoudn't be back dated.
If you can prove you didn't live there, I presume you are not liable for arrears, similar to car tax.
If you can prove you didn't live there, I presume you are not liable for arrears, similar to car tax.

Is this something you actually have to go and prove? So the assumption is that the licence needs to be paid in arrears unless you actively go and prove you didnt have a TV?

Surely it doesnt matter about living there? The question is if you had a TV or not during the time?
Just go in and get one no one asks any questions. Its an an post employee who just issues them no one willinterrogate you at all.

scaremongering !
If you can prove you didn't live there, I presume you are not liable for arrears, similar to car tax.

But their latest ads are about holiday homes which people don't live in all year but you're still supposed to have a licence.

But if you bring your portable TV down for the two week holiday, does that mean you have to bring your licence down with it in case an inspector calls? will it be valid? or will they suspect that you have the portable there all year.

It is a bit of guilty till proven innocent isn't're a house or apt, therefore you probably have a tv...
micamaca said:
But if you bring your portable TV down for the two week holiday, does that mean you have to bring your licence down with it in case an inspector calls? will it be valid? or will they suspect that you have the portable there all year.
I just set ours up on Direct Debit a few years ago and the new licence automatically arrives in the post around renewal date.
Every household, business or institution in Ireland with a television or equipment capable of receiving a television signal (using an aerial, satellite dish, cable or other means) must have a television licence.

We have two TVs but do not have cable we watch Dvd's only.
RTE gets the entire License Fee, not a minor part of which goes to pay the overinflated radio and TV presenters Salaries
Let RTE collapse on its rather large collective behind if it can't stand up right on its own.
We as a country pay enough other direct and indirect Tax as it is which at least sometimes have legitimate/necessary allocations.
The TV license tax is ridiculous and because no legitimate defense can be posed we get adverts through the Media attempting to make it a social stigma not to pay the License which is petty to say the least.
I guess the level of indignation at having to pay the TV License decreases as income levels rise but I for one would rather put the license fee towards one of my ever increasing Utility bills than into the ryan show's donut budget.
Regardless of what country I end up living in next I will rejoice the day Ireland copes onto itself and flushes this Tax out into Dublin bay.
Yes - but I am objecting to it all the same - as should we all.
Yes - but I am objecting to it all the same - as should we all.
Objecting to what? The TV license scheme in general? Why SHOULD we all do likewise? Why did you mention anything about cable and DVDs etc. at all since it's all irrelevant?

I think the original question was if the holiday doesnt have a TV there but you bring the already licensed one with you from your main home say for 2 weeks a year for example ?

Another question I would have is do TV dealers such as Power City legally need a license for every TV they have in storage ?
Yes the scheme in General. If 'we' are happy to pay it then thats fine - if we are not then why not voice say so?
Yes admitted the Dvd issue is not relevant to the license fee.
I guess I am hopeful for a change and not resigned therefore I consider the allocation of the License Fee to be relevant.
Objecting to what? The TV license scheme in general? Why SHOULD we all do likewise? Why did you mention anything about cable and DVDs etc. at all since it's all irrelevant?

Yes the scheme in General. If 'we' are happy to pay it then thats fine - if we are not then why not voice say so?
Yes admitted the Dvd issue is not relevant to the license fee.
I guess I am hopeful for a change and not resigned therefore I consider the allocation of the License Fee to be relevant
Take it to Letting Off Steam when you are able to post there instead of dragging this thread off topic.