Are there any alternatives to NTL?


Registered User
I am absolutely sick of NTL at the minute. Trying to arrange to have 3 rooms in my house hooked up. I have spent 3 Saturdays waiting for them to come and do this. 1st time - no show, 2nd time - The man that came could only reconnect, he couldn't fit new cable points, 3rd time - Ladder was not suitable ( wiring for NTL is on the roof of the 3 storey property). I rang NTl this morning to make another appointment, I advised that house was 3 storey and asked could she ensure that they had the correct ladder this time. The so called customer service rep laughed at me and told me that she would make sure he had a really big ladder. I am raging. Do I have any other alternatives to NTL?

A satellite dish and receiver/decoder for Free To Air/Free To View broadcasts might also be an option. This sort of setup has been discussed a few times here on AAM. Use the search facility to find previous relevant threads.
Thanks Clubman.Management Company will not allow satellite dishes to be mounted to the wall.

Looks like I'm stuck with NTL.

I've heard the chorus service is extremely unreliable.
Fair enough. Our management agreement doesn't allow them either but it hasn't stopped most residents! Echoing this thread the management company sent around a letter restating the rule against them and insisting that they be removed voluntarily or else forcibly with the resident footing the bill but nothing more has happened so far.
ClubMan said:
Fair enough. Our management agreement doesn't allow them either but it hasn't stopped most residents! Echoing this thread the management company sent around a letter restating the rule against them and insisting that they be removed voluntarily or else forcibly with the resident footing the bill but nothing more has happened so far.

Yeah, same thing happened on our estate over 2 months ago, and no action from management agent (representing the management company). There are bigger problems on our estate that a few residents having dishes (doesn't bother me, I am considering it myself as our cable service is crap). Has anyone actually seen a management agent enforcing this provision on behalf of the management company?
Dublin City Council threatened similar action to residents of certain high(ish) rise developments as the presence of dishes militated against the cleaning of windows but I'm not sure if they followed through. I think that this happened with some of the Ballymun towers but I think they just blew them up since! :)
ClubMan said:
I think that this happened with some of the Ballymun towers but I think they just blew them up since! :)

That would definitely get the job done!