Are the keys taken from you if you are between 50 and 80 MGs?


Registered User
With the new lower limits on drink driving coming into force does anybody know that if you receive an on the spot fine for being between 50 and 80 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 mililitres of blood are the keys of the car confiscated or indeed the car until such time that you are below the legal limit?

Or are you allowed to carry on your way? Which would seem ridiculous as they cant have it both ways ie. Convict you for being over the limit and then allow you to continue driving.

The on the spot fine would have to happen in a Garda station, after being arrested and processed on the analyser for official records. I would imagine if you are found to be between 50-80mg you are deemed to have consumed alcohol and are not in a position to drive a car but you wont be charged with offence, but simply receive a fine instead.

I think they said on the radio over the weekend that you'd have to wait for a period of time until you would be allowed to drive off.
I think they said on the radio over the weekend that you'd have to wait for a period of time until you would be allowed to drive off.

Yeah exactly. They wouldnt allow you to drive off again after being found to be over the limit.
Who knows, you could happily drive off having just failed your driving test for decades!
Who knows, you could happily drive off having just failed your driving test for decades!
thats true, and according to insurance companies L drivers were found to have far fewer accidents then so called experienced drivers! figure that,