Are sharewatch charging me too much


Registered User
Just looking for a bit of guidance here. I recently got a letter from sharewatch to say I owed them 180 euro for what they say is their custody service. I was unaware of this charge and just thought I paid them money when I bought or sold shares. Am I wrong or right to query this.
This link doesn't seem to say anything on the matter.
[broken link removed]
Hi Woodle.

I am a client of sharewatch for just under 3 years now. I am charged 60 euro per year for my account. My shares are held in crest. I presume your shares are held in their nominee/custody account?

Incidently, i got a invoice from sharewatch a few months ago for 120 euro for my account. It took them over 2 years to bill me for my annual account fee. I had no problem with that. Could your bill be something like this?
I got the same invoice for €180 for three years annual account fee. They didn't hand around for me to send them a cheque either! A few weeks after the invoice they just took it from some cash I had on my account from the CRH rights issue. The charge is at the very top of this page: [broken link removed]
I guess they were suddenly very eager/desperate for a lot of businesses.

They must have been owed a fortune in annual account fees....fees for which of course they never bothered to collect from their clients. Very odd indeed!