Are planning authorieties responsible for their spend?


Registered User
I was in Marlay Park this morning and noticed a new playground at the top of the park (M50 side). Even though I have no children, I thought it was nice to take the pressure off the existing playground on the other side as it's always been full, ever since they did it up about a year ago.

Can you imagine my surprise to see that the 'old' playground has been all dug up, wooden planes / tractors / etc. have been damaged, clearly not by children but by builders.

This must be costing the community in some shape or form and I wonder why is there no forward planning. If the 'old' playground was in the inappropriate site (middle of the field so no danger of falling trees, children falling into a stream,...), whoever planned it must have known that as things couldn't have changed that much in less than a year. The same thing happened with M50 crash barriers and I am sure there are other examples.

No offence to anyone but I can't stop wondering if this country has the 'pleasure' of having the most shortsighted and wasteful planning authorities on most levels. It breaks my heart to see money being wasted this way while we still have sub-standard healthcare, public transport system (which in fairnes improved over the last few years but is still sub-standard), etc.

Is there anything that an ordinary Joe can do about this?
The place to go with this in the first instance is DLRCC's Parks Dept:-

Senior Parks Superintendent
Leslie Moore

Senior Executive Parks Superintendents
Mr. Garret Murphy
Mr. John Collins
Mr. Rory O'Sullivan
Ms. Helena McGorman

I'd be inclined to check with them before making any assumptions regarding what is going on. It may just be that with the new playground's proximity to the Grange Rd car-park, which is to be extended, it was thought be to be a more suitable location?
You could also try talking to some of the local councillors (particularly those that may be going forward in the forthcoming election!).

I understand that they had many, many complaints about the muck and puddles in the old playground, so I assumed that the new one is an attempt to address this?