Are negotiations talks essential before Divorce?


Registered User
I am seperated since January 2021. Since this my solicitor has contacted my ex spouses solucitor on numerous occasions to no avail.
I have submiited all documents etc 3 times at this stage to no avail.
his solucitor is saying his secretary on leave for 9 months and letters were not opened etc.
Court dates were February April july this year solicitor said he wasn't ready now the nexf available cpurt date is march 2025.
My solicitor is saying negotiations are essential before court date is this correct?
As we are being walked over by my ex spouses solicitor since may 2021 they will not answer her calls or reply to her letters etc.
Is there any way thaf this can proceed forward if they will not partake in negotiations.
I am happy to let judge rule at this stage as its affecting mine and my children's mental health. We are both Paye workers and we have 2 children and 2 homes.
I am at the end of my tether and considering changing solicitors as mine is not assertive enough.
I am happy to go to negotiations etc ex spouses solicitor has not forwarded any details and is refusing to co operate.
Any advice much appreciated.
My fear is that he will keep ignoring as they gave dine for 3 years and we coukd be looking at dates in 2026 at this stage.
Many thanks
All that I can do is offer you my sympathies; but from what you've written I would share your impression that your solicitor isn't pushing this hard enough. It's surely unacceptable for him/her to keep accepting being fobbed off by the other party's solicitor - plus of course his/her fees are mounting with every postponement.

(Background thread here: )
Exactly Marsupial I dread to think of my bill as this is totally unacceptable and shes allowing this unprofessional behaviour to continue. I am thinking of changing solicitors at this stage as I feel she is not assertive enough. Many thanks