Are my lights really badly unforcused?


Registered User
Got my car repaired recently and the dipped lights look weird. They have dark patches with no light and the beam ends sharply ahead of the car with a triangular notch taken out of them. I can raise the bean with the controls inside which helps somewhat.

The guy who serviced it says it's not his fault as they were fine when he set them... which is BS. They were off wildly 2 days after he had it- when I first drove at night. They even had one bulb incorrectly angled/fitted into the housing.

Any ideas on how to get this guy to actually do his job if he insists its not his fault? Small claims court? Getting sick of guys and companies making ends meet with ripping people off...
There's always a simple test for this if you google it for your type of car.

You need:
1 wall.
A horizontal line at a certain height on the wall.
2 vertical lines denoting where the lights should point.

Basically, you park the car facing X distance from the wall.
There are adjustment screws on the light units which you tweak to get them pointing correctly.

When your lights are pointing at the intersections of the lines, they're aligned almost perfectly.

It'll save you taking time out of work or whatever to bring it to a garage with the electronic gear, and it will pass an NCT check.

Hi Pique 318, My grannie found a wall but wants to know how she should draw a certain ? height on the wall and what is that certain height. Also as regards the vertigal lines, she is not sure where the x 's should be.

With regard to X distance, she only knows about inches and feet. She climbed into the engine compartment to adjust the light screws as she cant see the wall when she has her back to it.

Finally, She did try to do this already but got into trouble having been of accused of graffiti and will appear in court next week. She will bake you an apple tart while attending the cooking classes in prison
lol, levelpar, tell your granny to get out of the engine bay

Read this and it's a good enough generic adjustment.
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Some enthusiast sites will have more detailed info on adjusting lights for specific vehicles.
Read this and it's a good enough generic adjustment.
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Grannie checked this out on my suggestion and after much swearing etc. got through the first 3 steps. When she attempted step 4, she discovered that the bulbs were burnt out .

She has cut me out of her will.
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