Are management agents responsible when property is vacant?

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Hi All,
Are management/letting agents responsible when property is vacant? My apartment is vacant at the moment and Im wondering if my agent (who I get to manage the property) is responsible to keep a check on it etc. Possible break in, water damage etc...
I have checked our agreement and it does not state if they do or not.
Many thanks.
I think you would need to specifically state this in the contract - I doubt the agent would provide this service free of charge, and I presume you need to agree on frequency of visits, particular checks to be made etc
If the agreement doesn't state it, then it's safe to assume they don't.
It is a very relevant point you raised. I would agree that it would need to be specified that the property is visited on a weekly/ twice weekly basis while vacant.
As it can take some time to get a tenanat now it would be recommended that someone keeps an eye on the palce.