Are HSE creche inspection reports available online?


Registered User
Are HSC creche inspection reports available online and if so can anyone post me a link. Thanks.
There is a section for Pre-school Inspection Report Outcome but when you go into it there is only a blank form listed ?
This is a link for officers in local areas. Might help
AFAIK not yet ... the standardised inspection tool has not been formally agreed by all HSE inspection teams - some are using it, some are not.

You can make a FOI request to see a HSE report - but most creches will be happy to show you their report if they have nothing to hide!
The Cork Examiner did a very good review of these in late 08, I think they did an FOI request on all of these around the country. I can't locate it online however
The HSE is really moving at the speed of light on this one.

[broken link removed] in the Examiner archives from October 2007 says that the HSE was promising online publication by January 2008. So it's only 2 years late now.

This clearly wasn't one of the performance criteria for Brendan Drumm's 2007 bonus!!!

This is all pretty depressing really.......