Are Gardaí efficent??


Registered User
Are Gardaí efficient??

[broken link removed]

Too often we're hearing of people being mugged with weapons and even so far as being killed as the above article states. Can the Gardaí not stop and search these criminals on a regular basis? Surely regular stop and searches would deter scum from carrying weapons around! They know who the a**holes are in most cases!
Would anyone agree?

I wouldve posted in letting off steam only I dont qualify just yet!
There's a small problem with what your suggesting Redbhoy, well two actually: Amnesty International and Vincent Browne! Civil liberties and all that.............
IMHO the gardai are about as "efficent" as your spelling redbhoy.

However I have to disagree with your idea. I would not like to see that right handed to the gardai because they will undoubtedly abuse it. How would you feel if you were stopped and searched without a warrant/just cause, simply because you match the profile of a known thug (I'm not implying you do but I'm sure you get my point.)

Civil liberties are there for a reason - and they apply to everyone !
Fair point Zapatista, but it's probably no coincidence (better mind my spelling) that Gardai will spend more resources on detecting road traffic offences than real, serious crime. By that I mean it's easier to pull someone for speeding (maybe just a little over the limit) on a good road than apprehending a known criminal who may be about to commit some misdemeanour. The small man who's never had any dealings with the law comes out worst. I'm sorry I've just no confidence in the police force, after having a car stolen and my house burgled, all I ever got was "we have a fair idea who's responsible but....blah blah..........
It's a thorny question alright but it's something that needs to be addressed.

I'm lucky enough to live in a relatively nice area of south dublin but we've had some problems over the past year with kids from other areas. The gardai know who they are but can't do anything about it!!

Crime is going to become much more of an issue as Ireland grows and if the gardai don't start seriously tackling it now it'll only hand more power to thugs like SFIRA in the coming years. I don't want to be part of a country with SF in government.

I wouldn't agree with random searches. I would agree with known offenders being monitored very closely. Perhaps at least once a day and at different times.
Mmmm, I think the biggest problem the Gardai face at the moment is within their own ranks, from the top down. They have serious issues of credibility within the whole community law abiding and otherwise! The series of scandals, most recently in Donegal and Clonmel do nothing for public confidence. A police force that doesn't have the respect of the people is a very weak force. Heads need to roll, and from the very top down. We don't need another few hundred green recruits fresh out of Templemore with their "Are you the owner of this vehicle?" style of policing....Let's leave that to Father Ted etc....
I wouldn't agree with random searches. I would agree with known offenders being monitored very closely. Perhaps at least once a day and at different times.[/QUOTE]

Couldn't agree with you more Gabriel. I would consider the daily monitoring of known offenders to be very effective utilisation of garda resources. There will always be those who say we need more gardai - I'm not saying I agree or disagree- but the fact is that if the gardai that we do have would put their time to better use we would have less crime in this country. I would have trouble remembering all the times I have seen anything from 3-5 gardai walking down the same street or traveling in the same garda car when there is clearly no need for it. Instead two of these gardai could be checking up on local known car thieves/drug dealers/arsonists, etc, etc.

Even if all it achieves is to make the thug think twice before his/her next casual stroll down the wrong side of the law.

Noel Conroy's head should be first on the block.

I'll hold his head, will you do the deed? Have a good sharp scandinavian throwing axe.....
>Have a good sharp scandinavian throwing axe.....

Maybe a search of Carpenter's house would be a good start for the gardai.

Massive fight in the middle of our estate last night with a number of people getting beaten up, roaring and shouting and general anti social behaviour.

We rang the Gardai to come and break it up, arrest ringleaders, take victims to hospital etc, along with at least 7 other neighbours that we know of. This happened at 2am this morning.

The estate is less than 5 mins walk from the local Garda station. Today (16.00) there have been no Gardai visiting, not at all - Are they efficient - definitely not!

We were informed that there were no cars available, strolling past this afternoon - 2 cars sitting outside, along with a van!

Is the Garda station you are referring to Rathfarnam or Tallaght?

I don't know if This Incident is the one you heard if not it might have been the reason why no gardai were available for you. My incident was in Firhouse and it was at about 2:00am.

In the firhouse case there were no injuries thank goodness.

Nope, not in either areas actually rd, I read your incident with interest though!

This is just another incident in a long catalogue of the Gardai being reluctanct to deal with our complaints in relation to anti-social behaviour in our quiet private estate. In this case, the tenants were Council tenants and I will be contacting housing directly on Monday morning. See here -

Mr Mo agrees with your decision to apprehend though, and has resolved to do that in future!