Are banks selling houses


Registered User
I have looked around at houses over the last year and haven't found what I am looking for. I was just wondering if I approached a bank and told them the type I was looking for would they entertain me.
I have looked around at houses over the last year and haven't found what I am looking for. I was just wondering if I approached a bank and told them the type I was looking for would they entertain me.

What type of house are you looking for?
hi mike

i dont think so . there was another question about buying a repossesed house and on there someone said something about only finding out it was repossesed after the contracts were signed . so i wouldnt imagine that they would be selling them threw the banks . and the main banks have up 12 mths on repossesions so nothing much going at the moment
I am currently looking in particular in the Rochestown and Maryborough, Douglas areas of Cork. I am looking at preferably detached and 3/4 bedroomed houses. I am not looking for a house just built, something preferably built 10-15 years ago with good sized rooms. I am looking for a resonable price as well!! Private message me if needs be.
I have not tried estate agents as I was dealing with one last year and I was messed around too much. Before I get an onslaught of posts w.r.t. estate agents, I realise that there are good ones out there as well.
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In answer to your original question, banks sell repossessed houses through estate agents. I have never heard of a bank selling directly. Also, there are very few houses actually being repossessed and sold by banks. If you haven't found what you want on the open market, you have less chance of finding a repossessed one.

I think that you have asked can you contact a bank and ask " Do you have a 3/4 bed repossessed house in Douglas for sale "

If so, I think the answer is No.