Are any AAMers a member of a political party?


Registered User
Just wondering. Don't need to say which one.

To what extent is the membership at odds with your own personal political beliefs?

Personally, I don't think I could ever be as I hold various opinions which could be considered liberal, right wing and left wing.

(And no I'm not Bertie Ahern)
Nope - prefer to choose my candidates based on the current climate, requirements and qualifications not on arguments dating back a century!
I amn't although I was so angry one week end listening to Richard Green from Coir - I joined Ireland for Europe and am canvassing for a yes to Lisbon...

After that never again
Go on, give us an idea of a manifesto - you never know I might be tempted!


Never have fully affiliated with one party. My only "political" experience was membership of the Anti Nazi league while at college when it reformed. However, when they started inviting Holocaust Deniers to give speeches under the pretence of supporting Palestine's plight, I took my leave.
Personally, I don't think I could ever be as I hold various opinions which could be considered liberal, right wing and left wing.

That could just about make you the ideal candidate to fit right in.

Any firm ideological disposition would just leave you excluded.
That could just about make you the ideal candidate to fit right in.

Any firm ideological disposition would just leave you excluded.

Well with FF or FG maybe - not likely with most of the others I'm sure.
While in collage I same across the then head of Labour youth. I have yet to come across a bigger space cadet. That put me off them (politicians) for life, thank god I have never seen him since... If the country was run by people like him we would be in... Hold on a second...
No I don't think so. He had yet to grow a beard, is that not a requirement for moving up the ranks in to the adult section of the party?
Only since they were taken over by Democratic Left. Once at the top the beard can go (his time will have been served at that stage) in order to present a slicker image to the public.
Nope but the thought struck me that this country needs a new political party and I am surprised nobody has set one up during the past few years of inept government and inept opposition.
No, I was when I was younger before I got sense!!!
+1. I was an ardent party-political campaigner (hint : there were no "f's" in the party name) in local and other elections for years until disappointment / reality dawned.

I then became an issue campaigner until I upset one band-wagon jumper too many and cynicism / old-age dawned.
Any party that would have me as a member.....

Nope,is my answer.I couldnt put up the bullxxxx.