Are ads louder than programmes on TV?

golden mean

Registered User
Can anyone tell me whether "they" (broadcasting companies in general) somehow turn up the sound when the ad breaks come on?
Good question golden mean ... I have often wondered this myself. I wonder whether it is a digital marker to enable viewers to skip the ads? This is what I found as C4s reasoning .... [broken link removed]
Very interesting HP- thanks for that. I think the advertisers are fooling themselves- no surer way to ensure that everyone presses the mute button for the ad break!
Yes I agree, they seem so loud in comparsion to what you were just watching that you rush to find the remote and turn down the volume when they come on.
I've only noticed this increase in volume on TV3. Seems crazy as it inevitably results in a switch over.
I have noticed this too and especially on Living Tv when trying to watch CSI have to turn down the ads and when music is playing then cannot hear the dialogue (blessing in disguise sometimes!)
Definitely TV3 and especially E4. Used never mute during ads before but always do now
Caused many an argument in our house where him indoors was blamed for turning up the telly until it finally hit home what the real problem was :eek:
Hi, missed this post earlier today when I tried to start a fresh threat regarding this matter. It really really really annoys me. I understand why this is done, thats obvious. Who can we complain to in Ireland? Or is it just a British Televsion feature. I remember hearing something about some kind of advertising standards agency but can't remember their name. It was something like IFSRA or IMRO...
Check out the TV board over on for a recent discussion on a regulatory ruling on this matter.
i'm in the uk and have sky and have this problem also - its does my gf's head in if she goes to bed before me
Oh My God, can't believe I am only 'seeing the light' now. This happened all through Love Island on TV3, (I'm sad, I know) and 'Hi, I'm Barry Scott' blaring at every break drove me mad. I've now copped on though and live pause everything at the start so I can fast forward through the breaks. Gotta love Sky+ !
Yes we always noticed this, my sister maintains that they do it on purpose because some people go out of the room to make a cup of tea during the commercial break, so they'll be able to hear the ads from the kitchen.
It's a bit outdated, but maybe back in 2 channel time fado fado it was a good idea.