Architects, Surveyors or Engineers?

New Home

Registered User
Hi there,

It probably sounds like stupid question but I'm no expert in house-buying, and I don't know who else to ask.

I'm about to buy an old house in co. Mayo which does need some work.
However, although at first glance the house seems structurally sound, I'd rather be safe than sorry and I'd like to have it surveyed properly.
I was wondering whether I should employ an architect, a structural engineer or a surveyor? Do they all do pretty much the same thing with regard to a snag list, or should I ask for something more specific? For instance, if I ask for a snag list would they just tell me that the kitchen counter is wonky, or would they check for dampness, wonky walls, garden prone to flooding, etc? Also, how much should I expect to pay (approximately)? Finally, does anyone have any recommendations (names, contacts, etc)?
Hi New Home,

This previous AAM thread might be worth a read. If you use the search option you may find some others of interest also.
In general your engineer will not open or remove wall or floor coverings, furniture or fittings or wall linings and so the inspection is visual and superficial only. They will inspect the exterior of the property from the ground floor only and will not carry out electrical or mechanical tests of water, other service pipes or drainage system. They generally will not comment on presence of absence of dry rot, wet rot, woodworm or beetle infestation nor will the test or inspect chimney or flues.

Given the property is old, I would also recommend getting the chimneys and the drains surveyed with a camera. Your engineer would possibly comment on what would appear to be dampness and could recommend further tests. Check out Chimneys, Drain Cleaning & Damp Proofing in Golden Pages.
That's good to know, Lorz, I thought the survey was going to be thorough! Would you know if there is any expert (so to speak) that would do an overall survey on a property? Also, just to be completely paranoid, I was also worrying in case there's asbestos...
TBH I don't know who would do a thorough survey - we've only used Engineers in the past. I'm sure someone here will be able to advise though. Best of luck!