Architects fees


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Hi, Does anyone know how architects are generally paid? I would like to get an architect to draw my house but do not need him/her to oversee the build or sign-off. I literally just need the ideas and drawings. I have heard that they charge a % of the build cost (approx 10%). I presume this is for overseeing everything. Is it possible to get them to do just the drawings?
I got a quote recently broken down as follows:
2.5% for drawings
2.5% to get it through planning
2.5% for detailed construction drawings
2.5% for project mgmt

All quoted at €2,500 per sqm building costs.

I ended up describing what I wanted to a structural eng who is drawing it up for a lot cheaper!
A qualified architect (i.e. RIAI qualified) will charge a percentage fee of the over all cost. This depends on the complexity of the work, but for a domestic work I would reckon 5 - 7% of the build cost (Excl VAT).

The fee is paid in installments, generally 35% or so after lodging planning, then the remainder over the contract i.e. another 30% or so for tender darwings, another 25% or so for detailed drawings, etc. The RIAI have a fee schedule,m which your architect should agree in advance.
Thanks. I went down the engineer route but cannot get a design I am happy with. Looking for some inspiration. Are there any architects who do almost like a consultants service? Where I could go in with my drawings as they are and he/she would offer advice on what I should/shouldnt do and I could then get my engineer to complete the drawings accordingly?
why do you not want an over-seeing service??
will you do the construction drawings yourself?

frash.. those percentages are mad!!! and especially at 2500 per sq m....
for example a standard 2500 sq ft dwelling, the architect would charge a grand total of €58,000 for his /her services...... madness!! and rip-off!!! You would want to be building an internationally awarded architectural masterpiece for that money.

generally i have seen charges in the region of 5 - 8 K for design and signing off... if its just design the consider €1.50 - €2.00 per sq ft.
Sydthebeat - I probably should have mentioned that those plans were for a 40sqm extension to my house.
Still worked out at almost €10k excluding VAT
my engineer has already done the percolation test, and will do the sign-offs on the build. just cant get a house design between us that I am happy with. He has always said that if I want, he is happy for me to get drawings done elsewhere or from one of the online services and he will lodge the planning application etc. As I plan to live in this house for a long time I dont want to look back in a few years and regret not doing something i am completely happy with

I’m building at the moment, did the plans myself, did the percolation test myself (got an engineer to over see it), Applied & got (with the usual hassles) planning for the house, its not rocket science. You just give the council the information they require.

The design of the house we came up with was a combination of what we had seen before and reference books (keeping within the local development plan), we laid it all out on paper, looked at the flow of the design and when we were happy submitted it.

The reason we went this way was because of the ridiculous prices we were quoted.

It may take a little longer (about 3 months to do research on county policys) but it is satisfying.
have spent the last 4 months scribbling house designs on every bit of paper I can find, looking at every site on the web and have gotten countless books. I'm afriad i'll get something wrong or miss something however. I think that seen as I will be paying so much to build the house, an extra couple of grand is worth it to get a qualified architects input. Can anyone recommend one who has done 1 off houses in the countryside? Not looking for anything too flash on the exterior but just some clever ideas for the interior layout
Quick question, we got an architect out and he quoted us 10% of the total cost, should have told us 12% as VAt needs to be added on. We need to spend €100K on build and €50K on Kitchen/tiling/new floors etc. What is his 12% based on, surely he doesn't charge a % of what I paid for my kitchen, if I buy a Kitchen for 15K, why should he get 12% of this??

Any advice greatly received.
not sure how that works. i met with an architect last week. quoted 11k +vat for full service on approx 2750 sq ft house. this include drawings, planning, construction drawings, tendering, dealing with contractors etc. help sourcing materials etc. and sign-offs. Was expecting more to be honest. seeing quotes on here for approx 10%, which would be approx 27,500 for full service. our quote works out at 4%. was also very impressed with his portfolio of work done. seen as i'll pay more than that to do the drive-way - seems like good value. I reckon i'll save his fee on time i would have had to spend doing it myself and also construction drawings will tie things down for builders to ensure the house is built to all regulations regarding insulation etc.
did he administer the selection, specification, ordering, paying for the kitchen etc???

you should have gotten a bottom line price before you started, its madness to leave a fee open ended...

did you sign a contract with him... if so all the particulars should be included on this.
I used an RIAI architect recommended on this site. He came up with a fixed price fee schedule that was basically as follows. We opted out of the contractor selection and build supervision, so it was about 3500. But if I had my way again, I would get them to supervise. I would recommend them - pm me if you need more info.
Visit site, provide general advice to the client 0 euro
Take client’s instruction and discuss 500 euro
proposals with other professionals and survey
drawings of existing, prepare survey
Prepare a planning application 1500 euro
Provide detailed drawings and ensure
that design complies with building regulations 1600 euro

Prepare detailed specification for the project 800 euro

Put the project out to tender and
select a contractor 250 euro

Arrange for contract to be signet with selected
Contractor 250 euro

Meet with contractor regularly to ensure that
Project proceeds to plan and is completed in
A timely manner 1600 euro


TOTAL FEE - 6500 euro + VAT
Dublin6, thats a very good price (depending on the scale of the development)

what and where were you building??? if you dont mind me asking??
It was a complete house renovation (there were no bathroom/ensuite/kitchen/utility, house is 1900 sq ft). So existing layout had to be remodelled to add these. Also included a small first floor extension that was raised off the ground (sort of like a cube connected to two walls supported on a pillar). It sounds awful, but it is nice! House is in Rathgar in dublin
Hello, if it is any help to you, here is the price I was quoted from architects company - I am still recovering from the shock but need to make a decision by tomorrow if I am going ahead with them or not. I guess if they do really good job and if, looking back in 10/20 years time when I am living in house and happy with it, then it will have been worth it but very uncertain at the mo paying such big money out of house budget.
(I have gone down the engineer/architectural technician route before this but house not designed properly and mistakes seen after planning granted).

Here goes:

1. Stage 1 - Initial Feasibility Stage (at hourly rate - five hours work)
755.00 euros (incl. vat).

2. Stage 2 - Outline Proposals (developing sketch design)
4,000.00 euros (not specified in quote if this includes vat).

3. Stage 3 - Scheme Design (final changes to design and submitting to council)
1,500.00 (not specificed in quote if this includes vat)>

So, in total 6,255 (and could be more if Vat to be added on for point 2 and 3 above).

Am I mad?????

6255 just for planning stage is a bit steep unless its a very very well designed one off 'specific to your needs' dwelling.... do you think his / her previous work is worth that fee. does your brief require a very large dwelling??

remember if you want construction drawings and the administration of the contract etc you will probably end up spending at least double that on architects fess.
Thanks for your reply sydthebeat and your thoughts. To be honest, I don't know any of their previous work - I have a very very short time limit in which to submit change of house plan (ppermission expires this October so must be up to roof level at minimum at that stage) so I have to get moving on getting design done up really quickly. I literally rang around a few companies from the Golden Pages and the company I got this quote from and have met with are the first I felt a good 'gut' feeling about. My current house plan (that I am changing) 1937 sq feet and garage 423 sq feet but it will be downscaling slightly rather than increasing the size of house so as to keep within my budget for house. I did ask architect when she called to site for names of previous clients that I could ring but I haven't got those yet. Will ask for those again at meeting tomorrow (as they plan to set aside this week to do my plan) and will ask is that the best they can do i.e. the 4,000 for design. It is for a once off house in the countryside with really lovely views and great sunshine and I have given them as best I can a description of the type of house I would like in the hope that it will cut down on the length of the design process. I did check with 2 other architect companies before this one and their price was also 6,000 and 8,000 to get to planning stage. What would you advise? I nearly feel like forgetting about the whole building idea at times it can get so stressful and overwhelming!! Thanks.
its easy for the architect to e mail you a few pdfs or jpegs of previous work theyve done,.. id ask for that... it will give you an idea of their kind of work.. some architects carry similar themes through their work.

you need to get a detailed breakdown of whats included in the fee....
generally its everything from initial meeting to a planning decision.... but find out whats not included... ie council fees, newspaper fees, etc